About Us

What is Elite Pixel Network?
Elite Pixel Network is a company that produces communities & companies for you to use at your leisure. We are also allowing communities & companies outside of the network to join our network. For those of you worried about our organization, we are organized now more than ever, we have a clear goal and we will be reaching that goal. Everyone within Elite Pixel Network is willing to help you.
What to expect from us
Quality communities & companies as well as a great experience for you, the user. All of our communities/companies are organized structurally and have many future plans that are planned out ahead of time.  
A Great Networking Experience
Due to our standards within the network, you are guaranteed to have an amazing experience within our network as well as when networking with us and there are plenty of benefits as well!

Get to know our Team!

Mark VailCEO & Foundervail@elitepixel.network
Mark is the original founder of Elite Pixel Roleplay and is now a founder of Elite Pixel Network alongside William. Mark currently handles the finances of the network as well as web development and some FiveM development. He is an all-around good person to be around whether he is serious or joking around.
William Ziegler IVCFO & Founderepticz@elitepixel.network
The original founder of Elite Pixel Network and business partner of Mark's, William handles all communities/companies within the network guiding the management team, staff team, developers, and media team to make good decisions for the network with the approval of his partner Mark. William is very helpful when it comes to either personal or business life choices. William is also very friendly to everyone!
Annemarie Parsons-LowersBusiness Managersaturn@elitepixel.network
The one and only business manager within our great network, Annemarie handles financial output for our employees as well as guides our staff team to make the right decisions for the network. She also makes sure everything is running smoothly within the network while keeping ideas fresh. Annemarie is a little shy but, is a extremely hard worker within the network laying down a new foundation for us to stand upon and is a essential part of this team.
Dylan AvrittNetwork Staffdpoor@elitepixel.network
Another one of two on the network staff team here at Elite Pixel Network, Dylan handles mainly FiveM development and keeping all EPN FiveM projects up to date. Also known as Paz, dylan tends to be helpful whenever he can.
Ryley MalanAdministrative Developerry@elitepixel.network
Ryley also known as Ry is the head of San Andreas State Troopers within Elite Pixel Roleplay and a vehicle texture/model developer for Grand Theft Auto V. He is also the Coordinator of Events within Elite Pixel Roleplay.
Gavan BeamishNetwork Developer & Recruit Mediagooby@elitepixel.network
Gavan also known as Gooby is a developer that specializes in vehicle handling line development for Grand Theft Auto V and Discord server development. He currently is Head of Staff in Elite Pixel Roleplay and one of the two founders of the Department of Justice within Elite Pixel Roleplay.
Angelina SayersNetwork Developer & Recruit Mediawolfie@elitepixel.network
Angelina also known as Wolfie is a developer that specializes in EUP and Vehicle texture development for Grand Theft Auto V. She is a strong asset in our company when it comes to department development within Elite Pixel Roleplay, speaking of Elite Pixel Roleplay she is also a Trial Moderator there and head of the K-9 sub-division within the Blaine County Sheriff's Office.
Kayne GrahamRecruit Developerkaynegrahampc@gmail.com
Also known as Kayne is a developer specializing in many fields and is the current rising star within the Network. He is very work driven and is very respectful to his peers. He is currently working on Elite Pixel Roleplay and is helping in many different fields from FiveM work to discord bots!
Seth KilgoreRecruit Developerhoseavan076@gmail.com
Seth also known as Protocol is a discord bot developer within our network. Him knowing JavaScript makes him a perfect candidate for our Network. Seth is talented when it comes to bot development and we know he will do great things!

Elite Pixel Network

Preparing amazing communities for you and helping you build yours.

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Mon - Sat 08:00am to 1:00pm


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